Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wouldn't Ya Know It

So, after writing that last blog, God has tested me on my ability to believe in the possibilities in beauty after explosions. Bottom line- I believe something beautiful could happen to this little explosion, just waiting to see what it is.

Special K

Friday, December 11, 2009

For Everything There's an Analogy...

This time it's nebulae. A star ages and ages until it turns into a red giant. Once a red giant gets really really hot, it explodes and there are leftover gasses that are amazing to see. Things don't always go right in life, it's inevitable. No one ever said life is fair. But even when it feels like everything is going wrong and we can't take it and life just explodes on us, God can still turn that explosion into something beautiful for His glory. ''The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.''- Psalm 19:1&2. So, next time life ''explodes'' on you, just remember that God can turn your explosions into something beautiful.

Special K

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Healing Powers of Forgiveness

''When I think of all my faults and all my failures when I consider all the times I've let God down, I am humbled by the grace He has extended, I'm amazed at the mercy I have found.''

Personally, I find it amazing that Jesus would die for my sins and forgive me of my offences against Him. I also find it amazing that when I forgive someone, I feel like I've been freed from a burden that I wasn't entirely aware of. It's interesting that only by the help of God can I forgive someone who's broken my heart or trust. In my own power, I could never do that, because I'm pretty good at holding grudges. It just comes naturally, but forgiving doesn't. I'm so thankful God gives me the power to forgive and keep being shaped in the Potter's hands.

Special K

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Ever had a day where it seems like everything becomes stressful?

Tired of being jealous. Tired of falling for the same trick over and over. Scared about not knowing what will happen. Tired of pain. Tired of differences.

It's been one of those days.

Poetry and Love Songs.

''Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove- O, no! It is an ever fixed mark which looks on tempests and is never shaken.'

Love has been so cheapened over the years. It's so conditional. It's turning into something so superficial. Do you realize how many songs have been written about it? Every one's fascinated by it.

How did it seem to deteriorate into it's current form?

God's definition of love- 1 Corinthians 13. It's described so beautifully. It leaves you with a longing to experience this amazing feeling. The most amazing, unconditional love there ever has been and ever will be comes from God Himself. He gives it to us, though. If such an amazing love exists, why is it turning into something other than the original definition?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Devil's In My Toilet

Every Wednesday night for the past couple of week, the bathroom in the back of the church will go off without anyone flushing it. Amazing that it happens during the prayer service part of the night. Coincidence? No way. ''The most powerful position is on your knees.''

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Trusting can be so hard. It can be put into a person and it can be broken or kept for years. You never know until you take the risk. Sometimes when you take that risk you wonder if it's worth it. It always is when it's placed in God. ''I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.'' An amazing promise. No one else can offer it. Yet we continually look for that promise in others and fail to put it in God when it really counts. Human nature strikes again. I'm guilty also. You wonder what the next step is going to be but you have no idea and it's like walking in a dark tunnel and you just have to trust God that He will turn the lights and show you but you never know when that will be. Looking back at the past, God's always led in the best way for me and has been protecting me all along. Even though God knows it's hard for us to trust He still wants to lead us even if we complain and try to fight. He'll always be there waiting for us to come back and that amazes me. I'm more thankful than I can say for this. All I can say is trust God. He'll never break your trust or lead you the wrong way.

Special K